2018 XMF Leadership Award

2018 XMF Leadership Award Features 7 High School Student Leaders in Community Service

October 30, 2018

XING Memorial Fund (XMF) has announced the recipients for 2018 XING Leadership Award. Seven high school students from the PKU Alumni family was granted with the award.  They are:

XING Leaders ($500 award)

Elizabeth Li, Winston Churchill High School
Leanna Bai, Lexington High School

XING Developing Leaders ($200 award)
Brendan Tang, Millburn High School
Claire Nikong, Issaquah High School
Yizhen Quan,  duPont Manual High School
Christine Zhou, Richard Montgomery High School
Sophia Lu, Henry M. Gunn High School

With the mission of leadership education, XMF Leadership Award was launched in 2017 to promote servant leadership and character building, and to display the vision and accomplishments of younger generations of the PKU Alumni community. The applicants are expected to demonstrate their initiative in research, develop, and participation of service projects within the community in which they live or they care about.

XMF education committee, under the leadership of Chair Dr. Caiyi Li, has worked hard throughout the year on the planning and implementation of this program, which also attracted strong support from the PKU86 community. The application form was designed to evaluate the applicants’ community/social awareness, and leadership attributes, such as responsibility, risk taking, resilience, reflectiveness and team work.  The Scoring committee consists of PKU 86 Alumni and their children who are active in community services: Ray Luo (86 Biology) of Irvine CA; Dongfeng Wu (86 Statistics) of Louisville KY; Jack Ji (86 Mathematics) of Dallas TX and Richard Wang, son of Peizhong Wang (86 Geology), who recently graduated from Cornell University. The committee also invited leadership guru, Bonnie Liao (PKU82 physics) as advisor. The bios of the scoring committee can be found on the XMF website:


XMF would like to thank all applicants for their participation and the scoring committee for their dedication to serve. All the applicants have committed remarkable efforts in serving a community that is meaningful to them, even though they showed different levels of ability to reflect on their experiences and to communicate effectively. The constructive feedback provided by the scoring committee will be beneficial for the continuing growth of these young leaders. In addition, this program serves to promote meaningful cross generation interaction among PKU86 alumni and strengthens the community at large.​

2017 XING Leadership Award Recipients:

College Category

XING Leaders Award

Jessica Dai, Brown University ($1,000 award)
XING Developing Leaders Award

高博川, 西南财经大学 (¥3,000 award)

High School Category

XING Leaders Award ($500 award)

Joye Tracey, Bloomington High School North
Joddie Zeng, Winston Churchill High School

XING Developing Leaders Award ($200 award)

Eric Yi, Richard Montgomery High School
Kolton Zeng, Tesla STEM High Schoo
Nathan Zeng, Eastlake High School
Christine Zhou, Richard Montgomery High School

XING Emerging Leaders Award ($100 award)

Yifei Xu, Newport High School

Yiqi Xu, Newport High School