XMF 星光基金教育项目--北大校友问卷调查
XMF is brainstorming educational program(s) in USA to support Alumni of Peking University, especially 1986 graders and their kids. This survey will cover questions relating to basic demographic information and unmet educational and other demands among 1986 alumni community. Your input and feedback will help us understand current situation of our community and your requirements. XMF will select 1-2 most popular program(s) to push out in 2017 and 2018. Please feel free to spread this survey to your 86 alumni connections as well.
This version of survey is designed for PKU alumni living in US.
星光纪念基金是由北京大学86级的18位同学于2015年10月发起的、为了纪念英年早逝的顾瑆同学而设立的公益慈善基金。该基金分为国内和海外两个部分。海外部分(Xing Memorial Fund)为美国正式注册的501(c)3非盈利组织。星光基金是我们北大人从现实社会向理想致意的载体。孤星点点,是暗夜的希望;繁星无数,终汇漫天星河。我们的口号是“聚沙成塔、守望相助”。这个平台致力于传承我们心中的北大精神:对理想的执着、对社会的使命感和献身精神。
联系我们:[email protected]