Xing Memorial Fund
Xing Memorial Fund was established in 2015 by some Peking University alumni, mainly class of 1990, to honor Gu Xing, a classmate of theirs, who passed away in 2015.
The Xing Story
"Xing", in Chinese pronunciation, means star, which is the first name of Gu Xing. Named after him, Xing Memorial Fund is to remember and honor those who have been little "stars", just like Gu Xing, paving the road less traveled and holding a beacon for those who struggled. It is also to encourage and nurture our next generation who become new "stars", developing and demonstrating leadership and courage in the community and giving hope to those who still resided in the dark.
XMF 2017-2018 Board of Directors
The board of XMF consists of PKU alumni who serve as volunteers. We invite all who share our vision to join us. Together, we can build a community of leaders and visionaries.
Amy H Tian, CPA, CFP
Amy H. Tian is a CPA and a CFP. Prior to joining Xing Memorial Fund as a board member, she worked for The Walt Disney Company and Enron Corp. After almost 20 years of hard work in the financial field, she is now dedicating her time in leisure writing and charitable projects.
Wei Hu, JD
Wei is an attorney with Axiom Law, a global legal service provider. Previously, Wei served as senior counsel at ADP, after private practice with two leading Atlanta law firms. Wei received his bachelor's degree from Peking University, and his law degree from Mercer University Walter F. George School of law. Wei's community involvement includes Atlanta Chinese Christian Church North (Chairman of Board, 2011) and National Association of Chinese Americans, Atlanta chapter (President, 2005).
Cherry Li, Ph. D.
Cherry holds a Ph. D. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from University of Maryland and works as a Contract Biologist at the National Institute of Health. Cherry lives in Northern Virginia and volunteers in local schools and communities. She has developed a passion to promote leadership in the Chinese Community and served as a founding board member and president for Xing Memorial Fund since 2015.
Hongping Du, Ph. D.
Hongping received her Ph. D. degree in Genetics and Molecular Neurobiology in Columbia University. She then spent two years in UC Berkeley and Harvard University doing research in mammalian brain development. Afterwards she realized that art was her true calling, and she started her passionate pursuit of the art of painting and in creating a unique style of combining the spirit of the orient with the rich methods of western oil painting. She had participated in charity auction events for Make-a-Wish Foundation, and for the Heckscher Museum of Art in Long Island, New York.
Yongjun Zhang, Ph. D.
Yongjun received his Ph. D. in Biophysics in 1998 at Peking University. Then he got postdoc training in University of Alabama at Birmingham and later in University of Pittsburgh, where he became a research assistant professor before he quit the academic career and started his own business on accounting and tax service.
Yongjun has participated in the local Chinese community service since 2005, including Chinese School and CAST Pittsburgh Chapter. Currently he is serving on the board of Pittsburgh Chinese Culture Center (2015-), Pittsburgh Chinese Restaurant Association (2007-, VP), Peking University Alumni Association of Greater Pittsburgh (2015-, President) and Xing Memorial Fund (2015-VP and Treasurer).
Jingwei Xiao, Ph. D.
Jingwei received her BS in Biology in 1990 at Peking University and PhD in Entomology at University of Hawaii at Manoa. After her postdoctoral training at Stanford University, Jingwei held various marketing and business development positions at different genomic companies including Applied Biosystems and Illumina. Jingwei currently works as Director of Market Development at Thermo Fisher. She residents in San Diego, California.
Fan Shen, Ph. D.
Fan received her BS in Biology from Peking University, PhD in Biochemistry from Michigan State University and MS in Computer Science from University of California at Santa Cruz. Fan has worked in the field of Bioinformatics in a few genomics companies including Incyte Genomics, Affymetrix, Ion Torrent and Thermo Fisher. Fan resides in San Francisco Bay Area.
Yong Zhou, Ph. D.
Yong Zhou is currently a Research Scientist in Proteomics at Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA. He graduated from Peking University in 1990 and received his Ph. D. degree from the Second Military Medical University (Shanghai) in 1999. Yong has more than 5 years of experience serving non-profit organizations. In 2016, he’s the Chairman of Chinese Institute of Engineers/USA-Seattle and Chair of National Council of CIE-USA. He’s also the National Chair of Asian American Engineer of the Year Awards. Yong has served on the board of Xing Memorial Fund since 2015 (VP and Secretary)
Ray Luo, Ph. D.
Ray Luo received his Ph. D. in Chemistry from University of Maryland at College Park in 1998. After spending three years at University of California, San Francisco as a fellow, he joined the faculty of University of California, Irvine in 2001. He is currently a tenured Professor in Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology. He has participated in charity housing projects for low-income families and other community services to promote STEM education for minority students and local high school students. Ray has served on the board of Xing Memorial Fund since 2015.
1968年生于天津。1986年入读北京大学经济学院国际经济学系。“大兴安岭”火灾期间,为支持救助,曾响应学生会号召,参与经济学院学生的街头募捐与宣传活动。1990年-2000年,就职于原国家物价局信息中心和国家信息中心价格部。2001-2005年就职于中信集团国际研究所,任《经济导刊》高级编辑,编辑部主任。2016 年起参与星光基金校友互助专项的管理。 2017 年星光跑筹委会成员。
1969年生于重庆市,1986年入读北京大学图书馆学情报学系,现为北京大学图书馆研究馆员。曾为美国伯克利加州大学、香港中文大学、香港科技大学、泰国崇圣大学访问学者。多年来在文献信息资源共建、共知、共享方面努力耕耘。2004年12月印度洋海啸及2008年5月汶川地震期间,曾积极参与募捐组织活动。业余时间热心服务校友, 2017 年星光跑筹委会成员, 北京队队长
Advisory Committee
Yong Shuai
Jamie Zhou
Jiangtao Lu
Yanjun Zhang
Qing Lin
Wenmei Shi
Fei Ye
Lanyun Guo
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